BitKop digital asset exchange was founded in Singapore in 2017.
BitKop’s core team consists of professional experts who came from global renowned international and financial enterprises. With many years of experience of global market operation and sophisticated technical R&D in digital asset area, BitKop promises to provide smooth and convenient trading experience for users, which is based on self-developed transaction matching system.
Check BTC,ETH,EOS market changes anytime and anywhere!
Bitkop App provides professional digital asset market changes and trading function, which is produced by Bitkop.Users can check real time market changes of EOS, ETH, ETC, BCH, and other digital assets in BTC or ETH trading area on APP,which making currency trading easy anytime, anywhere .
[Product Features]
1. Support for multiple currencies trading: LTC/BTC, ETH/BTC
2. Real-time price
3. Professional K line
4. Flexible trading methods: current trading, market trading
5. Efficient deposit experience
6. Multilingual service
7. Convenient assets and orders inquiries
Brief profile: Software for trading digital assets anytime, anywhere